For your full featured extended trial of RaceWORKS please email a request to sales@altronicsinc.com or give us a call 1-888-464-2587. |

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RaceWORKS is a full featured Drag Racing Logbook allowing for run storage, run analysis, run prediction, maintenance scheduling, vehicle setup, weather tracking and also directly interfaces with PerformAIRE and other brand weather stations/weather centers and DataQuest data recording systems. (Windows Compatible)
RaceWORKS is designed with an easy to use windows interface integrated with Pop-up and Video Help tools to allow you to keep track of ever aspect of your racing program with one solution. The ability to create multiple logbooks with a variety of events and custom parameters make this system flexible for your individual needs. Straight foward run Search capability and simple Prediction setup with remote Paging or Smart Phone Messaging Apps makes Dialing your car in simple and accurate!
Compatible |
Integrated |
RaceWORKS version of "Texting" weather and prediction information!

RaceWORKSSmart phone apps allow for receiving real time weather and prediction data on your iPhone or Android!
Featuring intuitive hourly weather trend graphs, up to the minute Weather and Prediction messaging, and message storage.
RaceWORKSeasy to use interface allows for entering complete run information and vehicle setup. Provides seemless integration between PerformAIRE weather systems and DataQuest data recorders.
RaceWORKSsimply data entry makes quick work of entering both yours and your opponents time slip and automatically fills in the weather when interfaced with a weather station. |
Interfaces for vehicle setup can be modified on a per run basis and allow numerous standard and custom parameters.

RaceWORKSprovides a simple drill down interface for selecting runs to use for predicting from Events or Event Types along with run filtering capabilities.
RaceWORKS allows for single and multiple run methods for dial-in and throttle stop prediction based on patented algorithms.
Calculations are developed to measure combustion cycle horsepower variation dependent on atmoshperic oxygen and water vapor densities.
RaceWORKSfeatures EZ-Plate predictions with complete EZ-Plate numbering integrated! |
RaceWORKSrace analysis shows track positions for you and your opponent for pre-race setup or post race comparision. Data can eaily be dropped in for you and any of your Opponents that is stored in the logbook or imported from 1320go.com
RaceWORKSmaintenance feature allows for automatic notification for service of various typical and custom parameters of your racing and tow vehicles.
RaceWORKS weather tracking provides minutely updates and hourly weather trend information.
Keeps daily log of collected weather.
Interfaces with "Trailer based" weather systems to provide Real Time weather information.
Updated Weather and Prediction info can be Paged or sent to Smart phone on a minutely basis! |
RaceWORKSprovides the interface for DATAQuEst.
Stored runs are linked to logbook for quick and easy review. All system configuration is done directly through RaceWORKS.
RaceWORKS is an intuitve and easy to use program. It comes with comprehensive help and video tutorial. Click here for a help video demo ->
All versions allow for a free year of updates and support.